Optimized Physical DFT Synthesis of Unified Compression and LBIST for Automotive Applications

Autor: Vivek Chickermane, Brian Edward Foutz, Sarthak Singhal, Christos Papameletis, Krishna Chakravadhanula
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: ITC
Popis: Test Compression and logic built-in self-test (LBIST) are proven DFT solutions to address the quality and safety requirements of automotive electronics but their high impact to backend physical implementation can be a huge barrier to successful adoption. Unified compression is a new approach that unifies scan compression and LBIST. It leverages recent innovations in Physical DFT Synthesis to solve routing congestion and area issues from traditional discrete approaches and paves the road to high-quality testing. Area savings of 35-47%, and scan wirelength savings of 63-77% for the same scan chain length can be achieved while reducing test application time by 50%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE