Magnetic properties of the high-temperature superconductor R2Ba4Cu7O15− (R=Er, Dy)

Autor: P. Allenspach, Hideyuki Sato, Andreas Dönni, Joël Mesot, G Bottger, Yuji Aoki
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. :560-564
ISSN: 0925-8388
DOI: 10.1016/s0925-8388(98)00391-0
Popis: Specific-heat measurements for Er 2 Ba 4 Cu 7 O 15− δ show a magnetic phase transition at T N =0.54 K for δ ≈0.1 and at T N =0.50 K for δ ≈0.7. While the specific heat data of Er 2 Ba 4 Cu 7 O 14.92 can be interpreted with an anisotropic 2D-Ising model, the specific heat data of Er 2 Ba 4 Cu 7 O 14.30 can only be understood by assuming two different types of magnetic clusters to be present in this sample. Such an interpretation is supported by our inelastic neutron data demonstrating the presence of at least two distinctly different surroundings for the rare-earth ions. Furthermore, the importance of dipolar interaction and superexchange for the observed magnetic ordering will be discussed.
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