Time scales for pluton growth, magma chamber formation and super-eruptions

Autor: Brenhin Keller, Marissa M. Tremblay, Darren F. Mark, Stephen Sparks, Marit van Zalinge, Francis Cooper, Alison C Rust
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Generation of silicic magmas leads to emplacement of granite plutons, huge explosive volcanic eruptions and physical and chemical zoning of continental and arc crust1-7. While the time scales for silicic magma generation in the deep and middle crust are prolonged8 magma transfer into the upper crust followed by eruption is episodic and can be rapid9-12. Ages of inherited zircons and sanidines from four Miocene ignimbrites in the Central Andes indicate a gap of 4.6 Myr between the start of pluton emplacement and onset of super-eruptions, with a 1 Myr cyclicity. Here we show that inherited sanidine crystals were stored at temperatures
Databáze: OpenAIRE