Nonuniform and Unsteady Solute Transport in Furrow Irrigation. II: Description of Field Experiments and Calibration of Infiltration and Roughness Coefficients

Autor: Douglas J. Hunsaker, Hugo Perea, F. J. Adamsen, Clinton F. Williams, Eduardo Bautista, Theodore S. Strelkoff
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 137:315-326
ISSN: 1943-4774
DOI: 10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0000295
Popis: Field tests were conducted to obtain irrigation evaluation and solute transport data. The data were used to calibrate and validate an advection-dispersion model for furrow irrigation. The empirical infiltration equation and roughness parameters were estimated from the evaluation data. The inflow rate was measured with a volumetric meter and a flume and resulted in different average inflow rates. Hydraulic simulation results proved nearly as accurate with infiltration function estimates derived from the meter or flume data despite the difference in measured flow rate. Hence, the calibrated infiltration functions provide limited clues about possible problems with the inflow data. The choice of the infiltration equation used to fit the data (Branch versus modified Kostiakov) produced greater differences in the hydraulic modeling results. The timing and spread of the solute concentration pulses were well predicted independently of the inflow data and infiltration equation used to fit the data. However, differ...
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