Caribesialis bifasciata Ardila-Camacho & Rivera-Gasper��n & Martins & Contreras-Ramos 2021, comb. nov

Autor: Ardila-Camacho, Adrian, Rivera-Gasper��n, Sara Lariza, Martins, Caleb Califre, Contreras-Ramos, Atilano
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5762310
Popis: Caribesialis bifasciata (Hagen, 1861) comb. nov. Figs 1���6 Sialis bifasciata Hagen, 1861: 188. Protosialis bifasciata ��� van der Weele 1909: 263. Revised diagnosis This species is distinguished by having the head mostly orange, with two lateral, longitudinal, brown bands, extended from antennal sockets to occiput (Fig. 1). The pronotum is orange with wide, lateral, longitudinal, brown bands. Sternite 9 is triangular; gonocoxite 9 is plate-like, and adjacent to sternite 9; gonostylus 9 is adjacent to the base of tergite 9, elongated, tubular, and curved posteromedially. The gonocoxites 10 are plate-like, forming a tiara-like sclerite, medially with a hook-like process, which is distinctively curved ventrad. The gonocoxites 11 form a bar-like structure, that is laterally connected to the ectoprocts; the gonostyli 11 are basally fused and form a bifid projection. The female sternite 8 is subpentagonal, the gonocoxites 8 are narrow, arched, setose, and posteromedially incised, and the gonapophyses 8 are smooth, arched, subtriangular, and glabrous. Material examined CUBA ��� 1 ♂; Santa Clara Prov., Soledad; 25 May 1939; C.T. Parsons leg.; pinned; MCZ ��� ♀; Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts.; alt. 2500���3500 ft.; 8���14 May 1936; Darlington leg.; ��� Protosialis bifasciata Hag, BKS. ��� white label; pinned; MCZ ��� 1 spec. (probably ♀); Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts.; alt. 2500���3500 ft.; 8���14 May 1936; Darlington leg.; ��� Protosialis bifasciata Hag, BKS. ��� white label; pinned; MCZ ��� ♀; Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts.; alt. 2500���3500 ft.; 8���14 May 1936; Darlington leg.; ��� Protosialis bifasciata Hag, BKS. ��� white label.; pinned, dissected; MCZ ��� ♀; Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts.; alt. 2500���3500 ft.; 8���14 May 1936; Darlington leg.; ��� Protosialis bifasciata Hag, BKS. ��� white label pinned, dissected; MCZ ��� ♀; BuenosAires, Trinidad Mts.;alt. 2500���3500ft.; 8���14May 1936; Darlington leg.;��� Protosialis bifasciata Hag, BKS. ��� white label; pinned, dissected; MCZ ��� ♂; Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts.; alt. 2500���3500 ft.; 8���14 May 1936; Darlington leg.; ��� Protosialis bifasciata Hag, BKS. ��� white label; dissected; MCZ. Redescription HEAD (Fig. 2A���B). Width 1.9 mm, predominantly orange, dorsally with two longitudinal lateral brown bands, extended from antennal sockets to occiput, on occiput with circular orange marks, entire surface covered with minute light brown setae; postocular area with a longitudinal brown stripe and with a semicircular orange muscle scar, stripe posterodorsally extended and connected to dorsal stripe. Compound eyes dark brown. Antenna with scape nearly 1.5 times as long as wide, brown, covered with abundant light brown setae, pedicel brown, nearly as long as wide, flagellum brown with 36���37 flagellomeres, densely covered with brown setae. Frons densely setose, somewhat protuberant between antennae. Clypeus and labrum densely covered with light brown setae, anterior margin of clypeus with median concavity. Maxillary and labial palpi light brown with abundant light brown setae. Occiput with orange muscle scars. THORAX (Fig. 1). Pronotum rectangular, nearly 1.5 times as wide as long, with wide, lateral, longitudinal brown bands with embedded semicircular orange muscle scars, medially orange, densely covered with minute light brown setae. Mesonotum wider than long, scutum brown, scutellum light brown, entire surface densely covered with minute light brown setae. Metanotum light brown, slightly narrower than mesonotum, glabrous. Pteropleura brown, covered with abundant light brown setae. LEGS. Brown, all segments densely covered with brown setae; fore femur somewhat expanded and short; mid- and hind femur longer and slightly expanded towards apex. Tibial spurs short, brown. Basitarsus of fore- and midleg short, as long as second and third tarsomeres together; on hind leg longer than that of fore- and midleg, as long as remainder of tarsomeres together. Pretarsal claws light amber. WINGS (Fig. 2C). Forewing 9.1���9.6 mm long (n = 2), membrane translucent, smoky, densely setose. Venation light brown, densely covered with fine setae of same color as cuticle. Costal field narrow, with four crossveins; pterostigma absent. A single subcostal crossvein. Radial field with three crossveins, RP with two branches, basal one forked near posterior wing margin; a single crossvein between first and second RP branches. Radiomedial space with three crossveins; M forked near mid-length of wing, MA unforked, MP forked near posterior wing margin, intramedial space with two crossveins; mediocubital space with two crossveins; CuA vein forked slightly beyond level of M fork, CuP unforked, intracubital space with single crossvein. Cubitoanal space with two crossveins; area between A1 and A2 with a single crossvein, A2 forked before R fork level; area between A2 and A3 with single crossvein. Hindwing 11 mm long, general aspect similar to forewing. Costal field narrow, with two crossveins; subcostal field with single crossvein. Radial space with three crossveins, RP with two branches, basal one forked near posterior wing margin; a single crossvein between RP branches. Radiomedial space with three crossveins. M vein forked at ⅔ of wing length; intramedial space with single crossvein. Mediocubital space with single crossvein; Cu forked at ⅕ of wing length; CuA forked at apex, intracubital space with single crossvein. Cubitoanal space with single crossvein. Area between A1 and A2 with a single sinuous crossvein, A2 forked near wing base; a single crossvein between A2 and A3 is present. ABDOMEN. Uniformly brown with abundant light brown setae. MALE GENITALIA (Figs 3���5). Tergite 8 membranous, moderately setose, setae longer on posterior area; sternite 8 semi-membranous, slightly sclerotized posteromedially, uniformly setose. Tergite 9 sclerotized, ring-shaped, laterally slightly widened and sparsely covered with long setae; anal tubercle slightly sclerotized; ectoproct lobe-like, setose. Sternite 9 in ventral view moderately sclerotized, triangular; gonocoxite 9 plate-like, paired, adjacent to sternum, both sternum and gonocoxite 9 uniformly setose; gonostylus 9 separated from gonocoxite 9, articulated to tergite 9 base, elongated, tubular and posteromedially curved inwards. Gonocoxites 10 lower portion plate-like, tiara-shaped, medially with a raised extension and a sclerotized hook-like process distinctively curved ventrad in caudal view. Gonocoxites 11 forming a bar-like sclerite, laterally slightly expanded and connected to ectoprocts; gonostyli 11 basally forming a sclerotized, bifid projection, whose processes appear divergent. FEMALE. Similar to male, antenna with 35���36 flagellomeres. Forewing length 9.75���11.7 mm (n = 5), head width 1.6���1.7 mm. FEMALE GENITALIA (Fig. 6). Sternite 8 in lateral view posteroventrally somewhat projected, with apex broad, rounded; in ventral view subpentagonal, posteromedially rounded; gonocoxite 8 narrow, bar-shaped, moderately setose, narrow, arched, setose and posteromedially incised in ventral view; gonapophysis 8 in ventral view smooth, arched, subtriangular, glabrous, located just beneath gonocoxite 8. Tergite 9 in lateral view ventrally extended, expanded and articulated to gonocoxite 9, posteroventral margin straight; gonocoxite 9 elongated, ovoid, narrow, with long setae on dorsal ⅓; gonostylus 9 small, semicircular located at dorsal ⅓ of the gonocoxite length; ectoproct as a small ovoid sclerite, setose. Bursa copulatrix sac-like. Distribution Cuba (Cienfuegos, La Habana, Santiago de Cuba, Sancti Sp��ritus, Pinar del R��o, Villa Clara) (Alayo 1968; Contreras-Ramos 2008) (Fig. 7A���B).
Published as part of Ardila-Camacho, Adrian, Rivera-Gasper��n, Sara Lariza, Martins, Caleb Califre & Contreras-Ramos, Atilano, 2021, A reappraisal of the taxonomy of Neotropical Sialidae (Insecta: Megaloptera): with the description of a new genus from Cuba, pp. 21-54 in European Journal of Taxonomy 782 on pages 27-28, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.782.1587,
{"references":["Hagen H. A. 1861. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America, with a list of the South American species. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 4: 1 - 347. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 18918125","Van der Weele H. W. 1909. New genera and species of Megaloptera Latr. Notes from the Leyden Museum 30: 249 - 264. https: // archive. org / embed / notes-from-leyden-museum- 30 - 249 - 264","Alayo D. P. 1968. Los Neuopteros de Cuba. Poeyana (B) 2: 1 - 127.","Contreras-Ramos A. 2008. Notes on some Neotropical Alderflies (Sialidae: Megaloptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 101: 808 - 814. https: // doi. org / dzbdp 7"]}
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