Phase Space Point Disribution Parameter for Speech Recognition

Autor: Girish Arunjith, Supriya N. Pal, N. S. Sreekanth, N. K. Narayanan
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation
DOI: 10.1109/ams.2009.81
Popis: This paper presents the method for extracting the Phase Space Point Distribution parameter for improving the accuracy of speech recognition systems. By utilizing nonlinear or chaotic signal processing techniques to extract time domain based phase space features, a method is suggested for speech recognition. It is experimentally proved the accuracy of speech recognition system can be improved by appending the time domain based PSPD parameters along with the conventional frequency domain parameters. The presented parameter is also proved invariant to the speaking style say prosody of speech.
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