Comparison of water production rates from UV spectroscopy and visual magnitudes for some recent comets

Autor: M. F. A'Hearn, Paul D. Feldman, M. C. Festou, E. E. Roettger
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Icarus. 86:100-114
ISSN: 0019-1035
Popis: IUE data on the UV and visible coma emissions of the comets Bradfield, P/Tempel 2, Wilson, and P/Halley, are presently compared with the visual lightcurves from magnitudes reported in the IAU circulars to consider the temporal evolution of these comets. While the water-production rates obtainable from visual magnitudes on the basis of Newburn's (1984) method are consistent with OH-derived rates to first order, they are sometimes either displaced or unable to exhibit the same pre/postperihelion asymmetry. The best agreement is obtained for the relatively dust-free Comet P/Tempel 2. IUE Fine Error Sensor lightcurves are generally in agreement with curves based on total visual magnitude.
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