Ways of Achieving the Institutional Equilibrium in the Context of an Emerging Single Digital Space

Autor: Mark M. Khaikin, Arunas Lapinskas, Natalia Vasilenko
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet of Things: Prerequisites for the Development of ICT ISBN: 9783030133962
Popis: The creation of a single space in the process of a digital economy emergence is considered as systemic institutional transformation, which should result in a new institutional balance at national and supra-national levels. In order to efficiently achieve this equilibrium, a congruence of transborder nature of digital technologies and national interests should be reached, as well as of interests of subjects groups that are realizing a variety of economic functions. The purpose of the study is the definition of institutional features of digital space, the identification of ways to achieve the institutional equilibrium, as well as the state’s role in the acceleration and ensuring irreversibility of digital transformation of the economy. The authors detected and explained a set of balances in order to achieve the specified equilibrium that the state policy should ensure. A link is to be traced between different aspects of economy digitalization and directions of state policy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE