Holocene electrical and chemical measurements from the EPICA–Dome C ice core

Autor: Emiliano Castellano, Robert Mulvaney, Jakob Schwander, S. Torcini, Silvia Becagli, Roberto Udisti, Eric W. Wolff
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Annals of Glaciology. 30:20-26
ISSN: 1727-5644
Popis: The comparison between electric (electric-conductivity measurement (ECM) and dielectric profiling (DEP)) and chemical sulphate and chloride) depth profiles along the first 400 m of the EPICA-Dome C ice core revealed a very good fit, especially for peaks related to volcanic emissions. From the comparison between these profiles, a dominant contribution of sulphuric acid to the ionic balance of Antarctic ice for the Holocene was confirmed. A progressive increase with depth was observed for chloride concentrations, showing a change of relative contribution between sulphate and chloride. A higher increase of chloride was evident between 270 and 360 m depth, probably due to a change in source or transport processes or to an increase of the annual snow-accumulation rate. The DEP, ECM and sulphate ice signatures of Tambora (AD 1816) and El Chichon (?) (AD 1259) eruptions are described in detail. A characteristic peak series, due to HCl deposition, was identified at 103–109 m depth from the ECM, DEP and chloride profiles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE