Photocolorimeter – Can it be a novel application to quantify Avila Mutrata?

Autor: Mythri H S, Nithin Krishnan R, Raja Ram Mahto
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine. 13:706-710
ISSN: 0976-5921
DOI: 10.47552/ijam.v13i3.2733
Popis: Prameha has been described as one of the Mahagadas and Anushangi vyadhi. It is also a disease which is associated with derangement in Ojus (~Immunity). The disease is manifested as Prabhootavilamootrata (Polyuria with turbidity in urine). Madhumeha can be closely correlated to Diabetes mellitus. Glycosuria is a striking feature of the disease, which alerts the patient. It happens when the glomerulus filters more glucose than the proximal tubule can reabsorb. It can be due to elevated plasma glucose or renal glucose absorption impairment, or both. Excessive Kleda in the condition of Madhumeha gets mixed with other doshas and dhatus and forms Vikrita avastha. Kleda has two routes of expulsion from the body viz; Sweda and Mutra. This can lead to the Avilata mutrata in Madhumeha. Avilata is a condition related to light absorption, diffusion and Chroma/Chrome. liquid. Hence avilata is related with transparency of an object and its optical density (OD). Therefore, COLORIMETER instrument was chosen for the mutra pariksha, which works on the principles of OD. Colorimetric analysis can become a simple, OPD based, cost effective, and specific quantitative analysis of Urine which can be used to translate the principles of Ayurveda into practice and for better management and monitoring of Madhumeha.
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