Employment Law: The Basics

Autor: Lawrence J. Trautman, H. Justin Pace, Anthony McMullen, Lora Koretz, Thomas Freeman, David D. Schein, Lester C. Reams
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3765016
Popis: Employment law issues impact all business enterprises in both for-profit and non-profit settings. Examples illustrating the enormous costs of violating or simply being accused of running afoul of employment laws abound. In addition, the cost to defend these lawsuits can quickly become very large and even result in the actual failure of small, thinly-capitalized enterprises. The purpose of this introduction to employment law is to provide anyone--- including entrepreneurs and busy students, with an overview of the source, foundation, basic and emerging issues surrounding this important topic. Our goal is to convey this primer in a format readable within 20 minutes of diligent effort. Ample additional resources are presented in our footnotes for those desiring a more robust discussion.
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