Novelty Detection in Video Surveillance Using Hierarchical Neural Networks

Autor: Eric Fletcher, Jonathan D. Owens, Andrew Hunter
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Artificial Neural Networks — ICANN 2002 ISBN: 9783540440741
Popis: A hierarchical self-organising neural network is described for the detection of unusual pedestrian behaviour in video-based surveillance systems. The system is trained on a normal data set, with no prior information about the scene under surveillance, thereby requiring minimal user input. Nodes use a trace activation rule and feedforward connections that are modified so higher layer nodes are sensitive to trajectory segments traced across the previous layer. Top layer nodes have binary lateral connections and corresponding "novelty accumulator" nodes. Lateral connections are set between co-occurring nodes, generating a signal to prevent accumulation of the novelty measure along normal sequences. In abnormal sequences the novelty accumulator nodes are allowed to increase their activity, generating an alarm state.
Databáze: OpenAIRE