Technological and nutritional aspects in hyperproteic bread prepared with the addition of sunflower meal

Autor: C. Della Gatta, Angela R. Piergiovanni
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Food Chemistry. 57:493-496
ISSN: 0308-8146
DOI: 10.1016/0308-8146(95)00200-6
Popis: Baking and nutritional properties were investigated on mixtures of wheat flour and defatted sunflower meal. Loaves prepared with different mixtures (from 5 to 20% sunflower) were evaluated for volume, weight and external score. The addition of sunflower meal enhanced protein content but had a detrimental effect on bread quality. Incorporation of 10% sunflower meal was found to be acceptable. The addition of maltose to dough improved bread appearance. However, incorporation of sunflower meal produced a bread with a remarkable content of trypsin inhibitors compared with the control. Consequently, proteins are less susceptible to proteolysis. This lower availability of proteins partially nullifies the improvement of the nutritional quality related to the incorporation of sunflower meal.
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