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В работе рассмотрены вопросы общественного труда и влияния институционального предпринимательства на экономику воспроизводственных процессов. Предложены новый инновационный подход к оценке возможностей предпринимательства на основе социально-инженерного развития территории с учетом отраслевой идентичности, а также организационная модель и структура управленческого консультирования. Выделены группы однородных (типовых) территорий агломерационной, индустриально-промышленной и аграрно-индустриальной направленности. Определена существенность возможностей повышения доходов консолидированного бюджета и объемов экономической деятельности. Обоснован механизм предпринимательства межрегионального государственно-частного партнерства в аграрной сфере региона. The study examined the issues of social labor and the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy of reproduction processes based on institutional theory. Analyzed business activities in the existing municipal areas of the region, as well as urban districts. The importance of entrepreneurship in the structure of employ-ment in the region is determined and the role of entrepreneurship in the development of Primorsky Krai is revealed. A new innovative approach to assessing business opportunities based on social and engineering development of the territory, considering industry identity, as well as an organizational model and structure of management consulting, taking into account existing programs aimed at maintaining and developing entrepreneurship at both federal and regional levels, are proposed. The groups of homogeneous (typi-cal) territories of agglomeration, industrial-industrial and agrarian-industrial orientation are identi-fied. The materiality of opportunities to increase revenues of the consolidated budget and the volume of economic activity has been determined. It is proposed to organize an interregional water management center for entrepreneurship. The mechanism of entrepreneurship of interregional public-private part-nership in the agricultural sector of the region is substantiated. The main purpose of the center is in-formation, legal and scientific support and provision of services, as well as investment in reconstruction and construction projects, social engineering development with the participation of public-private part-nership of Primorsky Krai. In addition, according to the results of the study, it is proposed to develop an investment infrastructure project for integrated prospective land development and reconstruction of land-reclamation facilities until 2030–2035. and the institutional mechanism of institutional entrepre-neurship of the water management complex of the agrarian sector of the Primorsky Territory. |