Deep-level characterization of layers grown by low pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition

Autor: R. Bhat, Jacques Tardy, E. Bearzi, W. Chan, F. Ducroquet, C. Caneau, Gérard Guillot
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Materials Science and Engineering: B. 28:421-424
ISSN: 0921-5107
DOI: 10.1016/0921-5107(94)90097-3
Popis: In this study, non-intentionally doped Al x In 1−x As layers lattice matched to InP grown by low pressure metal/organic chemical vapor deposition have been characterized. We show the presence of a deep level located at E c −0.62 eV associated with impurity contamination. This contamination appears near the sample surface. We observe the passivation of deep levels and of the Si shallow donor level in this surface zone which leads to conclusion that a hydrogenation effect occurs.
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