Effect of Solvent to Fingerprint Detection by Photoluminescent CdSe/PAMAM Nanocomposites

Autor: Di Jin, Yu Juan Jin, Yuanfeng Wang, Yun Jun Luo, Hao Nan Zhang, Hui Sun
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research. 744:319-322
ISSN: 1662-8985
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.744.319
Popis: Uniform and well-dispersed photoluminescent semiconductor CdSe (Cadmium selenium) QDs (Quantum dots) were in-situ prepared by taking G4.0-NH2PAMAM(polyamidoamine) dendrimers as inner templates in water and methanol respectively. The prepared solutions containing photoluminescent semiconductor CdSe QDs were utilized for detection of unfumed oil fingerprints on tinfoil. The results show that unfumed latent fingerprints treated with prepared CdSe/PAMAM nanocomposites both displayed yellow emission and the latent fingerprints were detected clearly, while treated with CdSe/PAMAM composites in water manifested stronger emission compared with those treated with CdSe/PAMAM composites in methanol; Also, the veins of fingerprints treated with CdSe/PAMAM nanocomposites in methanol became slim because of the dissolution of methanol to oil components in fingerprints.
Databáze: OpenAIRE