Ladar fiber optic sensor system for aircraft applications

Autor: D. Martin, Edward J. Vertatschitsch, Gregory L. Abbas, Michael de la Chapelle, Richard S. Teal, Fernando Dones, Charles R. Porter
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.141341
Popis: A ladar fiber optic sensor (LFOS) for aircraft applications is described. Chirped intensity- modulated ranging is used to estimate linear position. LFOS technology offers several advantages over other fiber optic sensor techniques proposed for aircraft position sensing applications, including small and robust transducer heads, inherent multiplexing capability, and inherent fault isolation capability. LFOS sensors have been integrated inside a flight control surface hydraulic actuator and inside a pilot's sidestick controller. Closed loop operation of the actuator using the LFOS sensor for position feedback was successfully demonstrated in the laboratory. The LFOS sensors in the sidestick controller were used as inputs to fly a flight simulator. The current LFOS interface electronics is contained on two VME circuit cards, with the capability to service four multiplexed sensors. Excellent performance has been achieved. Deviation from linearity over a 7-in. stroke is better than 0.05% of full scale. The RMS measurement noise is less than 15 microns for a 1 millisecond measurement interval.
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