Geography, History, Trope: Facts on the Ground

Autor: Anne Lounsbery
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.7591/cornell/9781501747915.003.0001
Popis: This chapter explores how Russia's capital functions in its geographic imaginary. Here, only the center promises to make sense of everyplace else. Even today, educated Russians outside the capitals echo the belief that provincials must look through the capitals' lens in order to perceive anything, including provintsiia itself, with real clarity. The capital, they affirm, serves as “mirror” for the entire nation, reflecting “the true face of society” and thereby linking provincials to “the Unity of history.” And only the capital can lay claim to representativeness: by “creating the appearance of unity,” the capital “takes upon itself the role of complete spokesman for all national and state interests and opinions.”
Databáze: OpenAIRE