Covid-19 dalam Korpus Peristilahan Bahasa Melayu: Analisis Sosioterminologi (Covid-19 in the Corpus Of Malay Terminology: A Socio-terminological Analysis)

Autor: Rusmadi Baharuddin, Junaini Kasdan, Anis Shahira Shamsuri
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies. 20:221-241
ISSN: 2550-2131
Popis: Pada penghujung tahun 2019, penduduk Wuhan, China digemparkan dengan penularan wabak baharu yang menyerang sistem pernafasan manusia. Namun, jangkitan tersebut berbeza daripada jangkitan influenza, avian flu, MERS-CoV atau SARS. Wabak baharu ini dikenali sebagai Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), yang kemudiannya dinamai sebagai COVID-19. Akibat penularan penyakit tersebut, pada 12 Mac 2020, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) dan Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit mengisytiharkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemik. Dari perspektif Linguistik, pandemik ini turut mencambahkan korpus perbendaharaan kata bahasa Melayu dengan sangat pesat. Sebagai contoh, wujudnya istilah penjarakan sosial , droplet , PPE, PKP, dan meratakan puncak lengkungan . Bahkan terdapat istilah yang pelbagai untuk merujuk satu konsep yang sama, misalnya nyahkuman dan nyahvirus , serta kadar peningkatan kes dan lonjakan kes . Hal ini tentunya dapat menimbulkan kekeliruan pada pengguna. Dari aspek terminologi pula, fenomena keanekaragaman penciptaan istilah ini perlu diberikan perhatian bagi memastikan istilah yang digunakan dapat difahami dan diamalkan oleh pengguna kerana istilah tersebut berkaitan dengan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan menghuraikan fenomena penciptaan istilah tentang COVID-19, yang beredar dalam kalangan masyarakat dari perspektif sosioterminologi. Kajian ini memanfaatkan istilah yang digunakan dalam teks kenyataan akhbar Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) bagi tempoh 16 Januari 2020 hingga 10 Mei 2020 sebagai data kajian. Bagi tujuan penganalisisan, data istilah dibandingkan dengan korpus istilah DBP dan hasil dapatan dihuraikan menggunakan pendekatan sosioterminologi. Hasil kajian mencatatkan 67.0% (96) istilah yang digunakan oleh KKM sudahpun dibakukan oleh DBP. Walau bagaimanapun, sebahagian istilah sememangnya istilah baharu, tetapi pembentukannya didapati menepati pedoman pembentukan istilah, walaupun mungkin tidak menepati selera penggubal istilah. Justeru, istilah yang telah memasyarakat ini perlu dihormati bagi memastikan bahasa Melayu terus berkembang. Keywords: terminologi; COVID-19; korpus; analisis sosioterminologi; penciptaan istilah ABSTRACT By the end of 2019, the people of Wuhan, China, has been plagued with a new outbreak that invaded the human respiratory system. However, the type of infection is different from influenza, avian flu, MERS-CoV or SARS. This new epidemic is known as the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), later officially known as COVID-19. As a result of the spread of the disease, on March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention declared COVID-19 a pandemic. From the Linguistics perspective, this pandemic has rapidly germinated the corpus of the Malay vocabularies with the jargon and terms that relate to this virus crisis. For example, there are terms penjarakan sosial (social distancing), droplet, PPE , PKP and meratakan puncak lengkungan (flatten of the curve)’. There are even different terms that refer to a similar concept, such as nyahkuman and nyahvirus (for English term disinfection), and kadar peningkatan kes and lonjakan kes (for English term exponential spike). This may, of course, cause confusion for the user. Terminologically, the diversification of terms being coinaged needs to be taken into account to ensure that the terms are understood and used as these terms relate to the well-being of the community. In this regard, the study aims to analyse and describe the coinage of the terms related to COVID-19 that was initiated by the community. Working from the socio-terminological framework, this study will use the Ministry of Health Malaysia press release texts issued from 16th January 2020 to 10th May 2020 as the data of the analysis. Then, the terms studied are compared to the terms in the DBP database, and the findings are analysed by using a socio-terminological approach. The results of the study recorded that 67.0% (96) terms used by the Ministry of Health Malaysia were already standardised by DBP. However, some terms are indeed new terms, their formation is compliant with the term formation guidelines, though not favourable among terminologists. Thus, the popular terms in usage among the community should be respected to ensure that the Malay language is constantly evolving. Keywords: Terminology; COVID-19; corpus; socio-terminological analysis; term coinage
Databáze: OpenAIRE