Gyromagnetic ratio of the first 2+ excited state in 126Xe

Autor: J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, R.S. Lee, R.L. Mlekodaj, K.S.R. Sastry, Noah R. Johnson
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Nuclear Physics A. 273:61-68
ISSN: 0375-9474
Popis: The precession of the directional correlation of the 492−389 keV 2+ → 2+ → 0+γ-γ cascade in 126Xe was measured by using a source of 13 d 126I implanted in iron with the UNISOR isotope separator. A small external polarizing magnet and a Ge(Li)-NaI coincidence system were employed in this work. The measured angle of precession ωτ = −54 ± 10 mr gives a g-factor of +0.22 ± 0.05 for the first 2+ excited state of 126Xe at an estimated internal magnetic field of 864 kOe at the site of 126Xe nuclei in iron. This result is in satisfactory agreement with a calculation by Kisslinger and Sorensen but smaller than the value predicted by Greiner for collective states.
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