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Summary Prompt and proper discovery of cause is important in lung cancer patients with signs and symptoms of in-testinal obstruction because approach for treatment may differ according to its etiology and emergency operation can often be required to prevent more severe complic-ations. In this report, we present two different causes of intestinal obstruction in lung cancer. Physicians need to be aware of these possibilities to differentiate the cause of intestinal obstruction in patients with lung cancer. References 1. Kim MS, Kook EH, Ahn SH, Jeon SY, Yoon JH, Han MS, et al. Gastrointestinal metastasis of lung cancer with special emphasis on a long-term survivor after op-eration. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2009;135:297-301. 2. Yang CJ, Hwang JJ, Kang WY, Chong IW, Wang TH, Sheu CC, et al. Gastro-intestinal metastasis of primary lung carcinoma: clinical presentations and outcome. Lung Cancer 2006;54:319-23. 3. Antler AS, Ough Y, Pitchumoni CS, Davidian M, Thelmo W. Gastrointestinal metastases from malignant tumors of the lung. Cancer 1982;49:170-2. 4. McNeill PM, Wagman LD, Neifeld JP. Small bowel meta-stases from primary carcinoma of the lung. Cancer 1987;59:1486-9. 5. Yoshimoto A, Kasahara K, Kawashima A. Gastrointesti-nal metastases from primary lung cancer. Eur J Cancer 2006;42:3157-60. 6. Ise N, Kotanagi H, Morii M, Yasui O, Ito M, Koyama K, et al. Small bowel perforation caused by metastasis from an extra-abdominal malignancy: report of three cases. Surg Today 2001;31:358-62. 7. Milner EA, Cioffi WG, McManus WF, Pruitt BA Jr. Sup-erior mesenteric artery syndrome in a burn patient. Nutr Clin Pract 1993;8:264-6. 8. Pentlow BD, Dent RG. Acute vascular compression of the duodenum in anorexia nervosa. Br J Surg 1981;68: 665-6. 9. Coster DD, Stubbs DH, Sidney DT. Duodenal obstru-ction by abdominal aortic aneurysms. Am J Gastroen-terol 1988;83:981-4.10. Derincek A, Wood KB, Muench CA. Superior mesen-teric artery syndrome following correction of kyphosis |