The Study of Obtaining Composite Nickel Electroplatings with Detonation Nanodiamonds and Diamond Charge

Autor: I. A. D’yakov, G. K. Burkat, I. V. Safronova, A. Vehanen, N. S. Almazova, V. Yu. Dolmatov, Technological Bureau 'Technologist', St. Petersburg, Russia, Carbodeon Ltd., Vantaa, Finland, V. Myllymäki, Yu. V. Litovka, Special Design, V. A. Marchukov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Advanced Materials & Technologies. :003-011
ISSN: 2541-8513
Popis: The paper presents the results of studying the nickel electroplating process in the presence of nanodiamond additives. It shows that the use of detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and diamond explosive charge (DC) obtained by explosion of tetryl (N-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenylnitramine) can significantly improve the physicochemical properties of nickel platings: increase the microhardness up to 60 % (up to 448 kgf/mm2 – 4393 MPa), obtain a non-porous nickel plaiting and reduce wear up to 28 times. The most effective was the use of non-expensive nanodiamonds, but cheap diamond charge obtained by the explosion of tetrile.
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