Correlation of scapulothoracic muscle strength and functional activity in volleyball players

Autor: Manish Mukund Ray, Sailee Vikas Rajwatkar, Ashok Shyam, Parag Sancheti
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Scientific Reports. 6:447
ISSN: 2454-2164
DOI: 10.18203/issn.2454-2156.intjscirep20204472
Popis: Background: Volleyball is the game in which upper extremities are mostly involved. This game needs repeated forceful high-speed upper limb activities required during training sessions and matches; which are reported to high incidence of shoulder injuries. This study is to correlate scapulothoracic muscle strength and functional activity in volleyball players.Methods: Study is cross sectional; correlational study was done with convenient sampling. Sample size was 55. Subjects were selected from all over Pune. Scapulothoracic muscles strength was measured (using the handheld dynamometer) in volleyball players which fitted in the inclusion and exclusion criteria and filled disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) scale by every participant included in study. Correlated evaluated data using spearman rho method.Results: Study shows that all muscle carry good strength. Statistical analysis shows no significance, p value for all tested muscle is (p>0.05). Also DASH scale shows lesser score which indicates lesser difficulty to do functional activities.Conclusions: This study proves that there is no correlation between scapulothoracic muscle strength and functional activity in volleyball players.
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