Research on Control of Auxiliary Robot for Ultrasonic Diagnosis

Autor: Xiaotong Liu, Qiong Wang, Chongyang Ran, Peng Zhang
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: ROBIO
DOI: 10.1109/robio.2018.8665056
Popis: With the development of sicial economy and medical level, people pay more and more attention on the prevention and treatment of diseases. Ultrasonic testing is widely used to display the internal organs of human body in real time, which is safe, effective, cheap and non-invasive. However, in the traditional ultrasonic test, the doctors have to hold the ultrasonic probe in one hand and operate the monitor in the other, which makes the doctor's neck keep spinning and causes their arm and neck to be sprained seriously after working with many years. Hence, in this paper, we propose a robot system that can make ultrasound detection for human abdominal organs automatically. First, we make a deformation model of human body skin via the mathematical ananlysis. Second, fuzzy control algorithm is used for the control of robot movements to make sure that the ultrosonic probe can be in a stable and non-harmful contact with the human skin. Third, our proposed robot within master-slave control algorithm can be used easily and effectively by the doctors. At last, we show the results that is obtained from the usage of our robot system for abdominal organs of human body to prove its stability and effectiveness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE