Advanced System Integration for High Performance Computing with Liquid Cooling

Autor: K. C. Yee, Hung-Chi Li, Terry Ku, Hung Jeng-Nan, C.H. Yu, Doug C. H. Yu, Po-Fan Lin
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 IEEE 71st Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC).
Popis: 5G and AI technologies are widely applied to highly connected world across cloud, network and edge applications. The compute and bandwidth of high performance computing (HPC) systems such as supercomputer, data center and high-end servers are constantly upgraded to fulfill the ever-increasing challenge from data analytic workload on massive and complicated data. As such, the thermal dissipation issue becomes more of a concern when advanced technology node logic processor operates at high frequency, in particular co-packages with high bandwidth memory (HBM). In this study, we present an industry first advanced liquid cooling technology for HPC on a CoWoS (Chip on Wafer on Substrate) with thermal design power (TDP) up to 2KW. The measurement results show the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance $\theta_{\text{JA}}$ is about 0.064 (°C/W) for lidded liquid cooling with thermal interface material (TIM) and 0.055 (°C/W) for direct liquid cooling at a flow rate of 40 ml/s. A finite element analysis model is further applied to find out the influence of key parameters on the heat dissipation performance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE