Completely fair energy scheduling mechanism in a smart distributed multi-microgrid system

Autor: Meera Dhabu, Khushboo Jain, Omprakash Kakde, Nitesh Funde
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. 34:7819-7829
ISSN: 1319-1578
Popis: In this paper, we have proposed a completely fair energy scheduling mechanism for a smart distributed multi-microgrid system which guarantees that the energy is scheduled fairly among all the buyer microgrids (MGs). It is a non-priority based starvation free mechanism as all the buyers are treated equal and every buyer MG gets at least some portion of its energy requirement fulfilled through the internal trading. The energy scheduling is done in two phases: during phase I, energy is equally distributed among all the buyer MGs. Because of this equal distribution of energy, the buyer MGs are benefited as they are not required to purchase their entire energy requirement from utility grid at higher price. During phase II, Vickrey auction scheme is used to schedule the remaining energy amongst the buyer MGs whose energy requirements were not fulfilled during the first phase. We have evaluated the proposed mechanism for a sample instance of microgrid network by simulating the environment. The simulation demonstrates that using the proposed mechanism the total energy buying cost for all buyer MGs is reduced greatly compared with the schemes where only auctioning is used for internal trading.
Databáze: OpenAIRE