Implementation and evaluation of a flexible, load-adaptive link layer protocol

Autor: Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, André Puschmann
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: WiNTECH
Popis: We design, implement and evaluate a load-adaptive MAC protocol based on a flexible, component-based link layer architecture. We first present the overall architecture that facilitates a generic data transfer protocol used by ordinary user applications and management functions of the link layer, called link layer apps. Based on this architecture, we propose a load-adaptive MAC protocol for fixed spectrum networks that is designed as a link layer app on top of the data transfer protocol. The protocol reuses existing MAC blocks and allows switching between those based on run-time analysis of the wireless communication system performance. Finally, we evaluate a SDR implementation of the entire system through various experiments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE