Autor: Olive S. Pettengill, Charles C. Cate, Timothy M. Farrell, Kenneth H. Cohn, Daniel S. Longnecker
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Cytotechnology. 34:205-211
ISSN: 0920-9069
Popis: Development of primary colorectal cancer cell lines ishampered by contamination from regional microbes, overgrowthof stromal cells, and purported genetic drift from selectionpressures in vitro. We initiated 32 primaryadenocarcinomas, 3 recurrences and 6 distant metastases incell culture. Twelve cell lines from eleven tumors weregenerated (26.8%) overall. Nine of 32 primary tumorsyielded 10 cell lines, 5 were lost to contamination, 13 wereoverwhelmed by stromal cells, and 5 demonstrated no growth.Addition of isobutyl methyl xanthine (IBMX) to culturelimited fibroblastoid growth. There was no associationbetween tumor location (p = 0.535, mid-P), degree ofdifferentiation (p = 0.850, mid-P) or clinicopathologic stage(p = 0.400, mid-P), and the ability of cells to becomeestablished in culture. The majority of cell lines hadsimilar nuclear DNA content and expression of cell-surfaceantigens compared with their parent tumors. Microbialcontamination and stromal cell overgrowth present thegreatest obstacle to capturing a representative bank ofcolon tumors in vitro.
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