Unidimensionalidade das escalas do Inventário de Estilos de Liderança de Professores - IELP

Autor: Lidia Natalia Dobrianskij Weber, Plínio Marco de Toni, Ana Priscila Batista
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Temas em Psicologia. 24:843-853
ISSN: 2175-3652
Popis: Exploratory factor analysis can be used to verify the unidimensionality of scales constructed to evaluate aspects related to specifi c dimensions of the teacher-student interaction. This study aimed to demonstrate the evaluation of unidimensionality for the three scales (Responsiveness, Demand and Coercive Control) of the Teacher Leadership Styles Inventory - TLSI, using exploratory factor analysis. Participants of the study were 113 students of the 4 th and 5 th years of elementary education, aged between 8 and 11 years, from public and private schools of cities in the state of Parana. The 70 item TLSI was used. The application of the instrument was performed collectively with groups of no more than 25 students, in the classrooms. The results demonstrated the normal distribution of the data and that the scales that compose the TLSI are unidimensional. From the analysis of the factor loadings, the number of items
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