Design and development of 130nm ICs for a 720 Gb/s networking system

Autor: N. Burnside, M. Cheung, Y. Fan, C. Joly, H. Truong, D. Le, V. Jayapal, P. Huang, D. Ge, Demin Wang, J. Gill, P. Tran, A. Khan, Trung-Viet Nguyen, V. Ghanta, A. Tsou, Min Li, F. Chiu, I. Ahmed, X. Zhong, S. Yang, K. Ruparel, S. Nguyen, Oanh Kim
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: 2005 International Conference on Integrated Circuit Design and Technology, 2005. ICICDT 2005..
DOI: 10.1109/icicdt.2005.1502589
Popis: A system-centric, fully-hierarchical design methodology and design techniques developed to create four ICs, which provide the core functionality of a multi-gigabit switching network system, are presented. The system is capable of switching more than 500 million packets per second. Electrical and physical design methods for one IC are described. /spl sim/76M transistors are integrated in a 130nm CMOS 8-metal process. Functional and electrical design requirements were achieved with the first silicon.
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