Online dating and its impact on teens: An overview with its special reference to the current Indian Scenario : A Mini-review

Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Consortium Psychiatricum.
ISSN: 2713-2919
Popis: Online dating among the teens or adolescent population is on the rise across the World. Earlier, it was found to be more prevalent in young adults, but nowadays due to easy access to several dating apps, it is being seen among the adolescents too. Data about the adverse effects of online dating on adolescents is mostly from the western literature. With increasing use of internet technology and rampant use of online dating apps among the Indian adolescents, it is likely to cause several problems in the near future. Online dating has been linked to cybercrimes, increase in high risk sexual behaviours, risk of infections, teen dating violence and subsequent several degrees of psychological stress. In this brief review, we had tried to highlight the online dating apps available in the internet, their usages and its impact on the adolescents. Lastly, we had discussed the impact of online dating with regard to Indian scenario keeping in mind the different socio-cultural milieu of India.
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