Difficulties in Drawing Inferences With Finite-Mixture Models

Autor: Joseph L Schafer, Hwan Chung, Eric Loken
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: The American Statistician. 58:152-158
ISSN: 1537-2731
DOI: 10.1198/0003130043286
Popis: Likelihood functions from finite mixture models have many unusual features. Maximum likelihood (ML) estimates may behave poorly over repeated samples, and the abnormal shape of the likelihood often makes it difficult to assess the uncertainty in parameter estimates. Bayesian inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) can be a useful alternative to ML, but the component labels may switch during the MCMC run, making the output difficult to interpret. Two basic methods for handling the label-switching problem have been proposed: imposing constraints on the parameter space and cluster-based relabeling of the simulated parameters. We have found that label switching may also be reduced by supplying small amounts of prior information that are asymmetric with respect to the mixture components. Simply assigning one observation to each component a priori may effectively eliminate the problem. Using a very simple example—a univariate sample from a mixture of two exponentials—we evaluate the performance of likelih...
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