3-Alkyl and 3-carboxyalkyl steranes in marine evaporitic oils of the Potiguar Basin, Brazil

Autor: Marcio Rocha Mello, Eugenio V. Santos Neto, Anita J. Marsaioli, Luzia Koike, José Arimateia Dantas Lopes, Francisco de A.M. Reis
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Chemical Geology. 158:1-20
ISSN: 0009-2541
Popis: The geochemical characterization of marine evaporitic oils from the Fazenda Belem oil field, Potiguar Basin, Brazil showed good correlation between both acidic and neutral fractions, and led to the identification of several biomarkers including the homologous series of 3-alkyl- and 3-carboxyalkyl-5α(H) steranes and also the new series of 3-alkyl- and 3-carboxyalkyl-5β(H) steranes. These compounds were identified using GC/MS and their structures were confirmed by coinjection with synthetic standards. A minor series of 4-carboxyalkyl steranes was also detected. The analysis of the acidic biomarkers allowed a more accurate evaluation of maturation, biodegradation and migration of the studied oils.
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