The Mordovian epos «Mastorava» by A. Sharonov (to the issue about typological features of book form of epos of the Finno-Ugric peoples)

Autor: R. A. Kudryavtseva, M. N. Kuznetsova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Bulletin of Ugric studies. 10:479-488
ISSN: 2587-9766
Popis: Introduction: the article is devoted to the Erzya-Moksha epos «Mastorava» in terms of the originality of its plot, composition, set of the characters, ideological content and folklorism in the context of problem of typological factors of book form of epos of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Objective: to study the epos «Mastorava» through the prism of its content and structure, with the identification of poetic and ideological originality. Research materials: the text of the epos «Mastorava» (2020), namely, its five parts («The Age of the Gods», «The Ancient Age», «The Age of Tyushtyan», «The Age of Enemies», «The New Age») considered from the point of view of their artistic unity, as well as the scientific works devoted to the analysis of the work. Results and novelty of the research: analysis of the «Mastorava» in the considered aspect shows that the epos was created on the basis of folklore myths, epic songs and legends reproducing the mythological, epic and historical periods in the development of the Mordovian ethnos; the time frames covers various stages of sociocultural development of the people. The «Mastorava» is original in terms of content and form, however it has much in common with the epic poetry of the Finno-Ugric peoples. For the first time, the authors based on the analysis of the artistic structure of the new edition (2020) of the epos and the identification of the conceptual integrity of the text prove that A. M. Sharonov’s «Mastorava» has typological features of the book forms of the Finno-Ugric epos.
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