A simple, powerful 4πβ/γ coincidence system based on the pulse-mixing method

Autor: J. Bouchard, Bruno Chauvenet
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 422:395-399
ISSN: 0168-9002
Popis: An improved version of a simple and powerful 4πβ/γ coincidence system based on the pulse-mixing method is described. It is based on the use of extendable dead-times measured by the live-time technique. The coincidence channel is replaced by a “virtual” common channel where pulses coming from both beta and gamma detectors are mixed and counted together. The basic property of this common channel is to register no more than one pulse per coincident pair of pulses. A single channel-analyzer or an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can be incorporated in the gamma channel. If an ADC is used, coincident and non-coincident spectra can be deduced from the recording. All the major problems (dead-time, accidental coincidences corrections) encountered in conventional systems are eliminated. An important feature of this system is its insensitivity to the delay between beta and gamma pulses. This coincidence method has been tested successfully for several radionuclides (60Co, 134Cs, 85Sr and 169Yb) presenting different measurement difficulties, including metastable states (85Sr and 169Yb). It is now used routinely for activity measurements.
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