¿Qué es la democracia?

Autor: Antón Fernández de Rota
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Antropología Experimental. :93-118
ISSN: 1578-4282
Popis: espanolLa democracia es un concepto esquivo. Demasiado a menudo se la define en una supuesta relacion fundamental y fundacional con la soberania. Aqui emprenderemos un camino distinto. De lo que se trata es de leer la democracia a contrapelo, distinguiendo sus formas actuales y antiguas, para extraer una definicion que la sustraiga de sus aporias. En la Ciencia Politica la democracia nacio sin vida pero no asi en la praxis politica, asi dice la tesis aqui defendida. La cuestion es devolversela, elevando la descripcion teorica a la dignidad del concepto practicado. Para ello la historia ortodoxa de la democracia sera recorrida esquematicamente. El ejemplo de un caso concreto reciente, el ciclo democratico iniciado en Espana en el 2011, servira para hurgar en el sentido de la democracia y sus limites. Dicha experiencia puede considerarse fracasada. La conceptualizacion propuesta tiene por objeto explicar sus limitaciones y esbozar una alternativa en la atencion a lo que la democracia puede y exige. English"Democracy” is an elusive concept too often defined in a supposed fundamental and foundational relationship with sovereignty. We are following here a different path, reading democracy against the grain, and distinguishing its modern and ancient forms, in order get the definition of democracy out of its aporias. As soon as democracy was said to be representative, it was born, within the field of Political Science, without life. Paradoxically, it happen and the precise moment when the being of democracy could only emerge from a life characterized by its excessive productivity. The question is to think systematically the concept, the form and its constitutive forces. To this end, the orthodox history of democracy will be sketched out. A recent case, the democratic cycle initiated in Spain in 2011, will serve to delve into the meaning of democracy and its limits. This recent political experience can be considered a failure. The proposed conceptualization of democracy and its lives aims to explain the limitations of this concrete movement, the limitations of the common understanding on what democracy means, in attention to both what democracy can do and demands.
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