Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Cyanate Ester Insulation Systems After Irradiation

Autor: P. E. Fabian, S. W. Feucht, Karl Humer, Harald W. Weber, N. A. Munshi, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: Recent development of alternative resin chemistries has resulted in new, fiber‐reinforced, insulation systems for use in superconducting and fusion magnet applications. When compared to traditional epoxy resins, these insulation systems, based on cyanate ester resin chemistry, offer increased radiation resistance and higher operating temperatures that are demanded by new fusion reactor designs, such as the Fusion Ignition Research Experiment (FIRE). The design parameters for FIRE Toroidal Field (TF) coils call for an insulation system capable of withstanding a combined gamma and neutron radiation dose greater than 108 Gy (1010 Rad) and operate at temperatures ranging from cryogenic (77 K) to elevated temperatures up to 373 K. Several of these newly developed composite insulation systems, suitable for the vacuum impregnation, pre‐preg, and high‐pressure laminate fabrication processes, were irradiated in the TRIGA reactor (Vienna) to varying levels of radiation to gauge their radiation resistance. The insulation materials’ shear and compression properties measured at cryogenic temperatures before and after irradiation are presented.
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