Preventive Maintenance—Definition and Structure

Autor: Anthony M. Smith, Glenn R. Hinchcliffe
Rok vydání: 2004
DOI: 10.1016/b978-075067461-4/50005-8
Popis: This chapter focuses on the definition and structure of preventive maintenance (PM). PM is the performance of inspection and servicing tasks that have been preplanned (i.e., scheduled) for accomplishment at specific points in time to retain the functional capabilities of operating equipment or systems. Preplanning is the key element in developing a proactive maintenance mode and culture. There are four basic factors behind the decisions to define and choose preventive maintenance actions—(1) prevent failure occurrence, (2) detect onset of failures, (3) discover a hidden failure, and (4) do nothing, because of valid limitations. Creating a new PM program, or upgrading an existing PM program, involves determining what an organization ideally likes to do in the PM program and take the necessary steps to build that ideal program in the particular infrastructure and put it into action. In the initial formulation of the PM program, the organization should go for the best possible (ideal) program that can be conceived to clearly display the information that management will need to make the required choices such as to commit to a training program.
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