A bio-economic model of long-runStrigacontrol with an application to subsistence farming in Mali

Autor: Daniel B. Taylor, Demba Kebe, Makan Fofana, Jeffrey D. Mullen
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: International Journal of Pest Management. 49:251-264
ISSN: 1366-5863
Popis: A bio-economic model of Striga control is developed and applied to Mali's Mourdiah Zone. Various constraints are added, and optimal production practices identified based on Striga infestation levels, rainfall levels, and economic parameters. Model optimization suggests efforts to suppress Striga with nitrogen applications are both expensive and risky. The efficacy of hand-pulling Striga in reducing the Striga seedbank depends on Striga infestation levels and climatic conditions, as does the profitability of hiring labour to expand cultivated acreage. Under all climatic conditions and infestation levels considered, millet in a pure stand generated greater expected net returns than a millet - groundnut or millet - cowpea association. Under conditions of low rainfall, the model suggests planting millet at a density of 0.5 hills m−2. With average or higher rainfall, the model suggests planting millet at a density of 3.5 hills m−2. Estimates of Striga-induced net revenue losses also vary with climatic conditio...
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