Natural Rubber-Carbon Nanotube Composites through Latex Compounding

Autor: T. Sunil Jose, Rosamma Alex, Rani Joseph, K. Anoop Anand
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: International Journal of Polymeric Materials. 59:33-44
ISSN: 1563-535X
DOI: 10.1080/00914030903172916
Popis: Natural rubber (NR)-based nanocomposites have been prepared with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) through a latex stage mixing method. SWNTs were dispersed in water through ultrasonication and stabilized by the subsequent addition of a surfactant. The stabilized aqueous dispersion of SWNTs was mixed with NR latex and the effect of nanofiller on the flow properties of NR latex was investigated. Casting the compounded latex followed by curing gave good quality composite films with significantly improved mechanical properties. For example, the tensile strength and modulus of the composite film containing 2.0 phr (parts per hundred parts of rubber) SWNTs were, respectively, 56% and 63% higher in relation to pure NR. Electrical percolation threshold concentration of SWNTs in the NR matrix was found to be 1.5 phr. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that the thermal stability of NR remains unaffected by the presence of SWNTs at low concentrations.
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