119mSn-Mössbauer-spektren von funktionell substituierten stannylenen und ihren stannio-komplexen mit chrom, molybdän- und wolfram-carbonyl-acceptoren

Autor: Jerold J. Zuckerman, J. L. Lefferts, W.-W. Du Mont
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 166:347-352
ISSN: 0022-328X
DOI: 10.1016/s0022-328x(00)82553-x
Popis: 119 m Sn Mossbauer data for a series of base-stabilized, intermolecularly associated tin(II) compounds ith O, Cl, P and As atoms bonded to tin are compared with isomer shifts (IS) and quadrupole splittings (QS) of their stannio complex derivatives with Cr, Mo and W carbonyls. Coordination at the tin lone-pair atom decreases IS to ca. 2.1 ± 0.2 mm s −1 and increases the QS. QS values reflect the highly associated nature of the complexes (CO) 5 MSn(Cl)E(t-Bu) 2 (M Cr, W; E  P, As) which are bridged through μ-E(t-Bu) 2 groups.
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