Effect of root perforations on the bond strength of fiberglass post using different adhesive systems and resin cement

Autor: Frederico Canato Martinho, Clovis Pagani, Eduardo Galera da Silva, Claudio Hideki Kubo, Ana Paula Martins Gomes, Paloma Grasso Madureira
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Brazilian Dental Science. 16:84-92
ISSN: 2178-6011
DOI: 10.14295/bds.2013.v16i4.940
Popis: Objective: This study evaluated the effect of rootperforations on the bond strength of fiberglassposts cemented to the root canal with two adhesivesystems and resin cement. Material and Methods:Forty single-rooted human teeth received endodontictreatment and were prepared for the cementationof fiberglass posts (Exacto Mini, Angelus). Theteeth were divided into four experimental groups(n = 10) according to the root condition (with orwithout perforation) and the adhesive system used:G1: without perforation + Adper Single Bond 2(3M ESPE), G2: without perforation + Clearfil SEBond (Kuraray), G3: with perforation + AdperSingle Bond 2, G4: with perforation + Clearfil SEBond. The perforation was executed on the rootsurface with a diamond bur and sealed with whitemineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). The specimenswere sectioned and a push-out test was carriedout (1 mm/min speed and 50 kgf). The data werestatistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey Test(5%). Results: Adper Single Bond 2 promoted thegreatest values of bond strength to the roots withoutroot perforation. The presence of root perforation ledto the reduction in bond strength values regardlessof the bonding system used (p < 0.05). Conclusion:The root perforations caused a direct effect on thebond strength of the fiberglass posts cemented byreducing the bond strength values to the root dentinregardless of the adhesive system used.KeywordsAdhesion; Cementation; Dental adhesives; Dental cements; Fiberglass pins.
Databáze: OpenAIRE