Three phase partitioning: some reminiscences, some science

Autor: Clive Dennison
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Three phase partitioning is a protein concentration and separation method, discovered by Rex Lovrien of the University of Minnesota. Lovrien had the idea that, in vivo, enzymes must operate in a mixture of salts and organic compounds, so they embarked on a systematic study of the effects of these variables (Tan and Lovrien, 1972). With the particular combination of ammonium sulfate and tertiary butanol (2-methylpropan-2-ol) (t-BuOH), the solution split into three phases, with protein precipitated in a phase between the lower aqueous and upper t-BuOH phases. Lovrien’s group later developed this as a general protein isolation method (Lovrien et al. 1987), which they called three phase partitioning or TPP.
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