ColdBlocks: Quality Assurance in Cold Chain Networks Using Blockchain and IoT

Autor: Divya James, Kevin Thomas, Karthik N. Menon, Denil J. Titus, Jim Thomas
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ISBN: 9789811599262
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-9927-9_76
Popis: Cold Chain logistics can be defined as a temperature-controlled supply chain. Multiple legacy problems have engulfed the cold chain scenario, and the lack of Quality Assurance for customers during transportation remains as the most worrying. For example, vaccine Zostavax requires to be maintained between −50 and −15 \(^\circ \)C. Despite having 18 months of shelf life, if the temperature-constraints are not respected, the vaccine is tampered and not fit to use. But customers tend to rely only on expiry data as a measure of quality which can be misleading. ColdBlocks is the proposed IoT–Blockchain to the Quality Assurance (QA) problem. By incorporating a blend of cutting-edge technologies like Blockchain and Internet of Things, an immutable and decentralized database can be established which logs transactions with real-time data. All the actors involved can access the cold chain network through a single-app, thus providing a collocated and organized interface for one and all. A QR-Code is attached to each package which can be scanned by the end consumers to verify the product’s quality status. Furthermore, by scanning this QR-code, the actors involved can transfer the package to the next actor through a Holder Change event, triggering a WhatsApp notification to accountable actors. The objective of this proposed IoT–Blockchain platform is to ensure Quality Assurance (QA) and help the cold storage and transportation companies in the long run to satisfy the customers’ desired quality levels.
Databáze: OpenAIRE