Revealing the sub-structures of the magnetic reconnection separatrix via particle-in-cell simulation

Autor: S. Y. Huang, D. D. Wang, Xiaojun Xu, Meng Zhou, Y. Pang, H. M. Li, M. Yao, Zhigang Yuan, Y. H. Wang, Xiaohua Deng
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Physics of Plasmas. 19:072907
ISSN: 1089-7674
Popis: Magnetic separatrix is an important boundary layer separating the inflow and outflow regions in magnetic reconnection. In this article, we investigate the sub-structures of the separatrix region by using two-and-half dimensional electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulation. The separatrix region can be divided into two sub-regions in terms of the ion and electron frozen-in conditions. Far from the neutral sheet, ions and electrons are magnetized in magnetic fields. Approaching the neutral sheet, ion frozen-in condition is broken in a narrow region (∼c/ωpi) at the edge of a density cavity, while electrons are frozen-in to magnetic fields. In this region, electric field Ez is around zero, and the convective term –(vi × B) is balanced by the Hall term in the generalized Ohm’s law because ions carry the perpendicular current. Inside the density cavity, both ion and electron frozen-in conditions are broken. The region consists of two sub-ion or electron-scale layers, which contain intense electric fields. Forma...
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