Bearings for eApplications - Wälzlagerlösungen für elektrifizierte Antriebssysteme

Autor: Sebastian Giehl, Manfred Tietz, Jörg Loos
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Experten-Forum Powertrain: Reibung in Antrieb und Fahrzeug 2020 ISBN: 9783662636077
Popis: The use of a converter in variable-speed drives leads to parasitic effects like additional losses or electrical bearing currents. Damages due to fluting or WEC formation or a bad electromagnetic compatibility of the drive can be the result of too high currents. Various remedies are presented which lead to a reduction of the bearing currents. A good protection against circular currents is the use of insulating layers or a rolling bearing with ceramic rolling elements. In the case of high production volumes, a bearing with special plastic overmolded ring can be a more economical solution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE