Temporal Analysis of S-Band Microwave Backscattering From an Inland Reservoir Surface

Autor: James Park, Panos Tzanos, Saba Mudaliar, Kung-Hau Ding
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 15:567-571
ISSN: 1558-0571
DOI: 10.1109/lgrs.2018.2792147
Popis: This letter presents an analysis of the temporal characteristics of electromagnetic waves scattered from a time-varying reservoir surface at low grazing angles. The data collection campaigns were conducted using a polarimetric S-band radar at Wachusett Reservoir in MA, USA, and VV and HH polarized radar returns were simultaneously captured. The temporal behavior of the backscattering from the reservoir surface was analyzed for 180 distinct radar geometries, focusing in particular on the impact of polarization, radar geometry, and wind condition. To understand the shape of the Doppler spectrum, the power spectral density is estimated by a periodogram. In addition, decorrelation time, Doppler centroid, and variance are estimated and compared with the associated Doppler spectral width and peak Doppler frequency. Results show that Doppler spectral width, decorrelation time, and the standard deviation of Doppler spectra are correlated. In addition, the Doppler frequency shift induced by the motion of the water surface is analyzed by peak Doppler frequency and Doppler centroid, which show dependence on radar geometry and wind direction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE