Variations of chemical element composition of bee and beekeeping products in different taxons of the biosphere

Autor: Nadezhda A. Golubkina, Sergey S. Sheshnitsan, Marina V. Kapitalchuk, Erdene Erdenotsogt
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Ecological Indicators. 66:452-457
ISSN: 1470-160X
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.01.042
Popis: Geographical variations in element composition of bee products are poorly investigated though a lot of attempts are made to utilize the data in ecological monitoring. So the comparison of chemical element composition of bee and beekeeping products in different taxons of the biosphere may become valuable to test the efficiency of such approach. For this purpose content of 25 elements in bee body, bee bread, propolis and honey from Ribnitsa district of Moldavia (unpolluted area, control), Henty province of Mongolia (selenium deficient area) and Voskresensk district of Moscow region (mineral fertilizers production) were determined by means of the ICP-MS. Among 3 investigated regions Mongolia was characterized by the lowest Se levels and the highest accumulation of Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Co, K, Mn, Mg, Na, Ni, P, Zn and V in bee bodies. The highest levels of Pb, Cr, Fe, Si, Sr and B, Se, Li, Sn were typical for Voskresensk and Moldavia bees accordingly. The highest correlation coefficients were registered between element concentrations in bee body and bee bread ( r = +0.97–0.99, P r = +0.5–0.7; P
Databáze: OpenAIRE