Unsupervised Deep Novelty Detection: Application To Muscle Ultrasound And Myositis Screening

Autor: I-Jeng Wang, Seth Billings, Jemima Albayda, Neil Joshi, Philippe Burlina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: ISBI
Popis: This study investigates unsupervised novelty detection (ND) for screening of rare myopathies and specifically myositis. To support this study we developed from the ground up a novel and fully annotated dataset consisting of 3586 images taken of eighty nine individuals obtained under informed consent during 2016–2017. We developed and compared performance for several ND methods leveraging deep feature embeddings, utilizing generative as well as discriminative deep learning approaches for embeddings, and using various novelty scores. We carried out several performance comparisons including with a clinician, supervised binary classification approaches, and a generative method, demonstrating that our best performing approach is competitive with human performance and other best of breed algorithms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE