A Dome packing method for UAV positioning using 3D Beamforming in WPCN for water distribution network

Autor: Varsha Radhakrishnan, Wenyan Wu, Tianmeng Wu
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: ICAC
DOI: 10.23919/icac50006.2021.9594179
Popis: In the practical implementation of wireless powered communication network (WPCN) project, the energy consumption is an important factor to evaluate the performance and efficiency of the communication. In this project, a UAV enabled WPCN acts as a hybrid access point to handle multiple ground terminals (GT’s) in an uneven plane. The ground terminals will harvest radio frequency (RF) energy from the RF signals directed by the UAV and these terminal uses this harvested energy to send information to the uplink. The objective of the paper is to find an optimal position of UAV using a proposed dome packing method to navigate the UAV, thus UAV will be able to charge the GTs within the cluster using 3D beamforming method where the beam will be focusing to a particular terminal rather than broadcasting the signals everywhere and thereby minimize the total energy consumption and mission completion time.
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